Sunday, February 21, 2010

Science Fair 2010

Laura and Katherine both participated in their school science fairs this year, and again, they had successful projects. Katherine placed first for third grade, and Laura placed first for sixth grade and also first overall for the middle school (which means she beat out the eighth graders too)!

Katherine's project was about the "Bouba-Kiki" Effect which deals with shape/sound association. If you are interested, just google it, and you will get a much more concise explanation than I could ever give.

Katherine with her project before the awards ceremony.

Laura's project involved hydroponics, and she was able to grow several bean plants in a completely soil-free environment. She gets an "A" from me for sheer determination, because she tried this experiment last year and was unsuccessful, but she didn't give up and tried again this year.

Both girls will compete in the Central Indiana Regional Science Fair in March. You will probably hear about that in my next annual blog update! Ha Ha!

Laura's Trebuchet

This weekend Laura built a trebuchet, which, if you are like me and have no idea what that means, is a medieval catapult-like weapon. She was apparently not required to do this for school or anything, rather she just thought it might be a fun thing to do. Gotta love that "can do" attitude. Here is the machine in action...